William Vázquez : visual artist

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Always be Motivated

Always be motivated to do good work, help people, and in the end stay inspired.

In 2013 I was in the Philippines just after Typhoon Haiyan. I was there documenting the herculean emergency relief efforts by Direct Relief, and their partner organizations in the areas devastated by the typhoon. On this trip I met with some inspiring people. People that I knew were going to do even more amazing things in the future. They motivated me to stay in touch with them, and follow their work over the years. I knew that one day we will be able work together, and collaborate on something great. The stars came into alignment in 2017 where I was able to coordinate a commercial project that got me to Kenya, and also get to work with this small hard working organization Mission Restore. I had been following it's director's projects since we met in the Philippines in 2013.

Mission Restore is a worthy organization that helps spread knowledge, and surgical skills to doctors in communities in need of those skills. It was a beautiful thing to meet so many dedicated doctors, and how they truly change peoples lives for the better. I was glad to be a part of it. 

This is a result of the project. I photographed their doctor trainings in and out of the operating theater as well as patient stories.

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